Bricking The Evaporator

*Note: If insulation liner is used, that goes in first under the brick. The following illustrations do NOT show an insulation liner. You will get additional protection for your evaporator if you choose to purchase and install a liner.


The following Power Point tells how to brick a 2′ X 4′ evaporator.
Compliments of Mike Ricci.


To brick a 2′ x 4′ hobby evaporator you will need 85 or so firebrick “splits” (each one will be 9″ x 4-1/2″ x 1-1/4″) and you should have or rent a “wet saw” (also called a tub saw). A single person can accomplish this task in about 3 hours. This pattern is a “mosaic design”, and the photos are compliments of Cindy Boles in Wisconsin.  (click on photos to enlarge)

‘2’ x 3’ arch bricking. Thanks to J.Foyt for the photo